Tribute to FR Gerry — Honduras Mission

Listen to the Beyond the Bulletin Podcast that features our Honduran Mission.

Join Us As We Celebrate Father Gerry

Father Gerry shares the path that led him to a lifetime of serving others.


The Life of a true missionary….

In March we lost who most of us would consider as the “heart” of our St. Anthony of Padua Honduran Mission Team, filling the void that was left by Deacon Mike Mims. Father Gerald E. Kelly passed away on March 7, 2021 in Houston, Texas. He was 85-years young & a Maryknoll priest for 53-years.

After graduating from Boston College in June 1957 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration, Father Gerry worked in the General Accounting Office in Washington, D.C. & served in the U.S. Army for 4-years as a helicopter pilot with the 91st Transportation Company at Fort Knox, Kentucky & Munich, Germany. After a chance encounter with his Army Chaplain, Father Gerry’s path to serve others was forged as he applied for admission to the Maryknoll Society.



It’s a military phrase that equates to “We’ve got your back” which is appropriate here as our Honduras Mission Team follows (First Lieutenant) Father Gerry’s lead in 2019.

After ordination in 1967, Father Gerry was assigned to Chile to work with the Mapuche Indian parish in Chol Chol. Father Gerry immersed himself in the Mapuche culture & established several agricultural projects from raising pigs & cattle to forming cooperatives. During the same time period, he also worked for two years in team ministry in the Indigenous Institute of Temuco & studied anthropology at the Catholic University.



Father Gerry’s ability to make a special connections with everyone he encountered is what truly made him exceptional - whether it was the people he served or all of us who served alongside him!

In June 2002, Father Gerry made his way to Houston, Texas; assigned to work with the Mission Education & Promotion Dept. where he continued to reside & energetically promote mission until his passing. He was responsible for 25-dioceses stretching from Mississippi to New Mexico. He guided his mission promoters to new levels of mission education & involvement in local Church structures. In addition, Father Gerry was a founder of the Texas Mission Council & was elected its Chairperson in January 2006.

Although we would love to claim Father Gerry as our very own mentor here at St. Anthony of Padua, he guided numerous other mission trips to Central America & along the U.S.-Mexico Border for short-term mission experiences, providing formation, spiritual guidance & overall direction to what mission is all about.

In 2017, the United States Catholic Mission Association (USCMA) awarded its highest honor, the Pope Francis Mission Award, to Father Gerry for “embodying mission” in all he did. Father Gerry’s accomplishments were always marked by his great dedication & enthusiasm for Maryknoll & Mission. Where others may have taken a moment to sit down & rest, Father Gerry always kept charging forward. He will be remembered for his passion to serve others & his everlasting spirit!