2025 Mission VBS Theme: ¡Exaltado! / Magnified!
“Proclaim The Lord’s Greatness With Me; Let Us Exalt His Name Together.
Engrandezcan Al Señor Conmigo; Exaltemos A Una Su Nombre.”
With the 2025 Honduras Mission trip fast approaching, use this online resource to get ready for your ultimate VBS adventure in Honduras. From learning the songs (available in Spanish as well as English) to choreographed dances plus reviewing the daily bible stories, references & verses…..this is your go-to prep guide!
Magnified! VBS will encourage kids to look closely at the details of God’s amazing world and magnify, or proclaim, the greatness of God. God made us, cares about us, loves us, forgives us, and is faithful to keep all His promises to us.
We can praise God together! We were made to magnify God!
Bible Story Title: Jesus and the Children. / Jesús y los niños.
Bible Story Reference: John 1:1-3,12; Mark 10:13‑16
Bonus Verse: But to all who did receive him, he gave them the right to be children of God, to those who believe in his name. / Mas a cuantos lo recibieron, a los que creen en su nombre, les dio el derecho de ser hechos hijos de Dios.
Bonus Verse Reference: John 1:12
The Big Truth: God created everything there is, and yet He still wants to spend time with me. / Dios creó todo lo que existe, y aun así quiere pasar tiempo conmigo.
Zoom In: I am important to God. / Soy importante para Dios.
Today’s Point: God sees me. / Dios me ve.
Bible Story Title: Jesus Calmed the Storm. / Jesús calmó la tormenta.
Bible Story Reference: Mark 4:1, 35‑41
Bonus Verse: He will not leave you or abandon you. Do not be afraid or discouraged. / Nunca te dejará ni te abandonará. No temas ni te desanimes.
Bonus Verse Reference: Deuteronomy 31:8b
The Big Truth: God keeps the whole universe going, and yet He still cares about what’s happening to me. / Dios mantiene el universo en marcha, y aun así tiene cuidado de lo que me pasa.
Zoom In: I can trust God to take care of me. / Puedo confiar en que Dios cuida de mí.
Today’s Point: God cares about me. / Dios tiene cuidado de mí.
Bible Story Title: The Woman at the Well. / La mujer junto al pozo.
Bible Story Reference: John 4:1‑42
Bonus Verse: But God proves his own love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. / Pero Dios demuestra su amor por nosotros en esto: en que cuando todavía éramos pecadores, Cristo murió por nosotros.
Bonus Verse Reference:Romans 5:8
The Big Truth: God is not OK with sin, and yet He still loves sinners like me. / Dios no está de acuerdo con el pecado y, sin embargo, sigue amando a los pecadores como yo.
Zoom In: I can be confident God loves me. / Puedo estar seguro de que Dios me ama.
Today’s Point:God loves me. / Dios me ama.
SONG IN ESPANOL - Amplía la imagen
Bible Story Title: Jesus and Nicodemus. / Jesús y Nicodemo.
Bible Story Reference: John 3:1‑21; 18‑20; 1 Corinthians 15:6
Bonus Verse: For God loved the world in this way: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. / Porque tanto amó Dios al mundo que dio a su Hijo único, para que todo el que cree en él no se pierda, sino que tenga vida eterna.
Bonus Verse Reference: John 3:16
The Big Truth: Jesus came to save the world, and that includes me. / Jesús vino a salvar al mundo, y eso me incluye a mí.
Zoom In: I can trust Jesus as my Savior. / Puedo confiar en Jesús como mi Salvador.
Today’s Point: God forgives me. / Dios me perdona.
SONG IN ENGLISH - I Believe Jesus Saves
Bible Story Title: Jesus Taught about Worry / Jesús enseñó sobre la preocupación.
Bible Story Reference: Matthew 6:25‑34
Bonus Verse: For the LORD is good, and his faithful love endures forever; his faithfulness, through all generations. / Porque el Señor es bueno, su gran amor perdura para siempre y su fidelidad permanece por todas las generaciones.
Bonus Verse Reference: Psalm 100:5
The Big Truth: God is faithful with the big things in my life, and He will be faithful with the small things too. / Dios es fiel con las cosas grandes de mi vida, y también lo será con las pequeñas.G
Zoom In: I don’t have to worry because God keeps His promises. / No tengo que preocuparme porque Dios cumple Sus promesas.
Today’s Point: God keeps His promises. / Dios cumple Sus promesas.
SONG IN ESPANOL - Él es siempre fiel
SONG IN ENGLISH - Faithful With It All
Determine Your Purpose: Ask yourself why VBS matters and what you hope to accomplish while on mission.
Know The Bible Content: Take time, as far in advance for a quick overview of each day’s session. Make a mental note of the daily themes & Bible stories. *Note: The VBS program for Honduras will be condensed into 4-days therefore either we will double up on one day or exclude one lesson. The final lesson plan will be shared as we draw closer to travel.
Understand How the Content Ties To The Theme: Be sure you do not overshadow the importance of the biblical content with the theme. The theme is the vehicle used to engage kids in learning biblical truths.
We all want to teach well. We want the children to have fun, love one another, and learn to love God. The unfortunate news is no one is a perfect teacher- but everyone can be a better teacher! In fact, our mistakes as teachers can be turned into opportunities for God’s power and goodness to work through us and remind us that God is always working in the lives of the children we’re teaching, whether we are perfect teachers or not. Remember that showing children love is one of the greatest ways for us to teach them about God’s love, and that is the most important lesson for us all! Here are some ways to improve our skills:
You will not be able to improve without God’s wisdom and help.
It doesn’t matter how good your teaching methods are if you are not accurately teaching the Word of God.
Find out what they like to do in school. Ask them how they like to learn.
Try this:
• Get on the child’s level and maintain direct eye contact. This may mean you need to get on your knees, squat down or sit in a chair.
• Listen attentively (in the same way you would like to be listened to).
• Talk about things you have in common (freckles, dark hair, taste in food, number of siblings).
• Ask the child for his or her opinion on a topic.
• Compliment the child’s actions and choices and not just how the child looks or dresses.
• Say the child’s name often.
Avoid this:
• Do not rush the child but listen patiently.
• Do not make everything a lesson or lecture. Just enjoy getting to know the child better.
• Do not force conversation when a child is not in the mood to talk.
You will learn new things and find out which methods you would like to use, and which methods would not. Even the most experienced teacher can be energized by observing someone else teach.
Alternate Fundraising: VBS AMAZON WISH LIST
Do you have folks who are looking to purchase items that will directly benefit the kids in Honduras? If so, consider publishing this link below on Social Media, Your Managed Missions Page, and/or in your email communications.