How we are serving from afar. 

With receipt of recent news regarding COVID-19 & how it is impacting the country of Honduras and after careful consideration, the core team has decided that it is best at this time that we postpone our 2020 mission trip in the month of September. 

However, there are other ways that we can continue to serve our communities until we have "boots on the ground" at a later date. Here are some alternative strategies that we have implemented for 2020.


Mission thanksgiving project

Each year St. Anthony of Padua’s Bread Food Pantry distributes a Thanksgiving Box to families in need. For 2020, our mission team had the unique opportunity to work together just like we do in Honduras to serve closer to home. The hand of God clearly guided all of us on this very special day.



Through our partnership with Father Glido & San Juan Bautista Parish in Trujillo, our mission funded emergency food relief for the communities of La Esperancita, Las Brisas, El Mirador, La Union & Colonia Suyapa.

This provided a total of 137 families in April through July with much needed supplies to supplement their reduced provisions due to substantial travel restrictions being enforced within the country of Honduras.


Your charitable donations allow for extra funding that is used throughout the year for Education, Religious, Medical/Dental needs plus Emergency Supply Relief during COVID-19 in the mountain communities we serve. 

We hope to continue to make these food deliveries for as long as is needed and/or until our allocated funds run out. This is where you can join us on mission by helping from afar.


Thank you for your generous support of our Honduras General Mission Fund.



Through the years our Mission has built schools within each community & expanded beyond the 6th grade allowing for students to take advantage of higher learning to complete their education.



Our Mission is supporting 12-students attending a Catholic High School in San Pedro Sula. Plus, we provide scholarships for 4-students to attend public school closer to home as well as partial scholarships for 2-students to attend nursing school.