Mission Reminders

Our much anticipated day of departure is just around the corner. Do you have this sneaky feeling that you may have overlooked something really important?

Not to fear as you are not alone! We have a comprehensive list of last-minute reminders as well as helpful tips to save the day!

  1. Safety - Remember the Buddy System at all times while traveling and especially when we set foot in Honduras!

  2. Flexibility - Things don’t always go as planned, please remain patient.

  3. US Currency - Bring smaller sized-bills: $1’s & $5’s are best.

  4. Insect Protection - Spray your clothes, shoes & hats.

  5. Identification - Make a copy of your passport to take with you plus save it on your phone.

  6. Luggage - We are limited to only one carry-on & one personal bag.

  7. Essentials - Take a second glance at our Mission packing list to ensure that you have everything ready to go.

  8. Toiletries - Keep to a minimum. If necessary, we generally have a trunk available where you can transport any larger items however these will not be available to you until we reach our final destination in Trujillo.

  9. Transportation to IAH - For 2025, each missionary must arrange airport drop off & pick-up.

    • <time TBD>

  10. Airport Arrival in Houston - At IAH after check-in go through security & meet at the departure gate at our pre-determined time.

  11. Airport Arrival in Honduras -

    • Go through customs.

    • If by chance you were asked to check your bag at the gate in Houston, you will need to to get your bag off the belt in Honduras (logistics will only be transporting our mission supply trunks).

    • Buy Lunch.

    • Meet at the Bus at our pre-determined time.

  12. Roommates - If you have gone on mission before, review who you are rooming with & escort any rookies to your room when we arrive in Trujillo.

  13. Bathroom Etiquette - No toilet paper in toilets ever. Always check before flushing!

  14. H2O - Only drink bottled or filtered water in Honduras. Including the brushing of your teeth.

  15. Food - Only eat fruits that are peeled & do not eat salads unless provided by our hotel in Trujillo.

  16. Exercise - No jogging down the beach in Trujillo.

  17. Guidance on the Mountain - Listen to your Village Captains. If they say: “Load trucks - we need to leave immediately.” Do it without any hesitation!

  18. Return Time from Honduras - Confirm time that our plane lands & make sure that you have someone to pick you up at IAH. If not, please inform a member of the core team that you will need a ride.

  19. Return Mass - We will get together for mass the Sunday after returning from our trip on <date/time TBD>. Wear your <color> Mission shirts.

  20. Have Fun - As you do everything to God’s glory while on mission, remember to have fun in all you do, too! Serving is a joyful experience, so keep smiling as you work & play with all your heart!