STAOP Food Bread Pantry Partnership. 

For every ten that watch, only one comes forward to help.

Consider joining us on Thursday 11/16/23.

This year, as on many occasions before, our Mission team sets the example with a spirit of volunteerism that is unparalleled.

When a family in our own community is going through a difficult financial crisis or other obstacles, food is often the first necessity they seek.  St. Anthony of Padua’s Food Bread Pantry’s wish is to provide easy access to nutritional food for the economically disadvantaged, under-served populations in our area.

In 2023, we come together once again to serve closer to home with a Thanksgiving box that includes the traditional courses a family enjoys from turkey to pumpkin pie. A nourished community is a thriving community, and we are committed to serve as many of our neighbors in need as possible.

Open our hearts and our eyes to see our communities as you would have us to see them. Help us to find courage to sit and hear others when so often we want to be heard first. You are good and you are gracious, O God.

Let us see all people as children of you, who created us all.

For ongoing support, food can be donated in the bins located to the left of the church front doors under the breezeway at any time. Monetary donations will help us purchase fresh produce, meat and bulk nonperishable items at a greatly reduced cost.


We are forever grateful to the Honduras Mission Team’s continued partnership with the Food Bread Pantry!